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  1. Trolling in the deep

    UV enhanced hooks

    I am going to look at that website further for the answer may be there, thanks SuperD
  2. Trolling in the deep

    UV enhanced hooks

    Thanks for all the suggestions, what I think I am actually looking for is not soft beads but something that might be put on the hook eye like putty(?) that can be formed and painted etc. and glows or has something added to it to make it glow. Thanks again.
  3. Trolling in the deep

    UV enhanced hooks

    Does anyone know what the stuff is that they put on the hooks either on the shank of the hook or at the head of the hook covering the snell knot? It can be in different colors and or glow? What is it called? is it just plasticoat and where can I get some of this stuff so I can do my own hooks...
  4. Trolling in the deep

    If you could only have one scent.

    Nope just the corn and scents. How does that work for you using worms too?
  5. Trolling in the deep

    If you could only have one scent.

    Where in the world would you find those little water fleas to do that with? Who sells something like that?
  6. Trolling in the deep

    If you could only have one scent.

    Glad to see someone else use's what my buddy and I call "Magic Corn" but we use a generous spoon full of minced garlic instead. Often wonder if it would work just as well without the tuna oil but why mess with a good thing? lol
  7. Trolling in the deep

    Fishing line choice

    Thanks guys for your help, I ended up going with the Stren magnathin line for next year.
  8. Trolling in the deep

    Fishing line choice

    Any particular reason or is that just what you chose to use?
  9. Trolling in the deep

    Fishing line choice

    Hey guys, I will soon be re spooling my reel for next year and was wondering what your opinions were on what type of line to use for trolling for the mighty koke's? I most likely will go with Stren magnathin in either the 10# or 12# test because I like the fact that it has the smaller diameter...
  10. Trolling in the deep

    At Wickiup again has the Vance's dodgers.
  11. Trolling in the deep

    At Wickiup again

    I last fished with my buddy and his son on the fourth of July and they both caught two kok's 18" long and one that was 15" long then four smaller ones. So yes there are fish in Wickiup but ya gotta start at first light . We were running around out in the fog not knowing what direction we were...
  12. Trolling in the deep

    What's your set up?

    Ok, that makes sense but what's too close? I definitely don't intend to get it any closer then two feet for just that reason and already have one did up that's about three or four feet so it will be easy to change out if need be.
  13. Trolling in the deep

    What's your set up?

    I am fairly new to fishing for Kokanee but have trolled many a ford fender and worm for trout over the years. My buddy and I just troll our dodgers and hoochies behind the boat with 2oz weight on a slider with out the use of down riggers or fish finders and I was kinda curious about one thing...
  14. Trolling in the deep

    At Wickiup again

    The only problem that day was the brainless guy in the really nice boat going full out through the fog like he was the only boat out there. He could have really ruined our trip if he had hit us but luckily he never got that close.