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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. river hunter

    green peter ramp 02 18 09

    ill be headed back there this coming sunday..... what lure seems to be good there? super dupers? needfish? what color? do yea add a few peices of corn?
  2. river hunter

    triangle lake

    i went there yesterday the 28th of feb. and got a few cutts off the bottom with wormsthumbsup
  3. river hunter

    green peter ramp 02 18 09

    was there today, i was in a camo lowe jonny with a yamaha jet on the back and merc. kicker. we launched from the launch in the photo and went out to the main lake hung a left and went up under the bridge near whitcomb cr.county park... we went all the way up to where a creek dumped in and got a...
  4. river hunter

    green peter ramp 02 18 09

    im thinking about hitting green peter tomorrow, im just now gettin the whole idea of kokanee trout fishing ie trolling and such. where is this photo taken at? i really dont know green peter all that well and would like to launch somewhere wheres theres water. i did fish at triangle today and got...