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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. E

    2020 Dworshak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Forgot to post fished Tuesday 66 in my boat with two bonus rainbows. Friend landed another 6, he got a late start.
  2. E

    2020 Dworshak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    About 5 hours on the water today. 31 in the boat and one rainbow. Sling blades did best beer cans came in second. Small pop gear pulled 1 or 2. Great day! Called in sick for Tuesday! Lol let's see what sunshine does for the success rate...
  3. E

    Kokanee rod

    Thanks for the reply guys. I think I'll go with the eagle claws due to the $30 price point. I landed plenty of fish on the depth masters when I used them but would like more of a noodle that I can really load up. If I ever end up targeting those 20" kokes I'll bring the depthmasters.
  4. E

    Kokanee rod

    Hey all I bought 4 Cabela's depthmaster trolling combos per some advice I was given. Reels are not bad but I hate the rods for kokanee way to stiff. My question is those of you with experience do you like the eagleclaw feather light rods or the okuma SST rods more?
  5. E

    north Idaho

    yep 8"-10" average I tried by the dam from Big Eddy launch through Marry's headed toward the marina. Not a single bite. Ran to canyon creek and found the fish at 25' of line with 2oz or 30 ft with 1oz.
  6. E

    north Idaho

    I fish Dworshak and live in orofino.
  7. E

    2020 Dworshak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Went out on friday, and caught 15 only fished a few hours. Didn't have a fish finder so it took me a little while to find the fish. Sling blades with wedding rings or hochies did best. Beer can did alright as well. First time using a sliding sinker system vs. a banana sinker and my landing...