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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. H

    june 2014 blue mesa

    Hey Rebelsportsman,just checking on your fishing trip to blue Mesa,was not able to make it to blue yet,hope you did we'll have heard that it is slow,like to hear from you,glad to see you did catch fish at Taylor,will let you know when I go.
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    Blue Mesa

    Hey Rebelsportsman,hope you get into the salmon I have read they are about 20to30ft you can get a report by going to colorado fishing report then click on blue Mesa you might know this site already.Let us know how your fishing is going have fun and good fishing
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    kokanee lures

    I will have to work next week but will try to contact you during the week to see how your fishing is going.about the perch I have heard they are shallow around the rocks and flats just have to find them maybe elk creek.lake trout around cebolla,point east of soap creek do you have a map of the lake.
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    kokanee lures

    Hello to all sorry have been busy,my son inlaw was in a bad accident 2 months ago he just got out of the hospital.have not been to blue Mesa since late January ,maybe try to go next week they are getting big lakers now 32 down to 9 pounds.still learning the salmon fishing,hey rebel sportsman...
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    Blue Mesa Trout

    Fished blue Mesa 3 weeks ago,caught 4 rainbows lost 3 others my buddy score was 3 bows and 10 perch,I could not get the lite bite on the perch,ice about 18 inches,trout about 14 to 20 inches no lakers,fished in 30 day on the ice.
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    Thanks for the welcomes,feel at home here lots of friendly talk on this forum,everyone willing to share their info that's what it's all about.I have not fished for a few weeks but when I do will let you know how I did,got 10inches of snow here today so just going to reel in all your info.good...
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    Blue Mesa

    New to forum,has any one ice fished blue Mesa for salmon,if so could you let me know thanks for any info
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    Thank you mrmike,look forward to all the salmon info and adding some as well good fishing to all
  9. H


    Hi,I live in Colorado,have not fished much for koks,hope to learn here from the best,will try hard water for koks,has any one ice fished for salmon.I have a Starcraft boat,have fished for lakers in the past.thanks for your info,good fishing to all. Hawk eye