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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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    Another broken Lamiglass

    I can recommend Velocity. I have a couple and are happy with them. Just checked their site, they show three models that look worth trying. @ $75 - $100
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    Brads Cut Plugs

    Tried them on two trips last season with no hits. I also would like to hear something positive about them.
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    Hoochies/tube flys by themselves, or with a spinner blade

    Billa, I've found hoochies with a bill to be much more successful than a hooch alone. Hooch with a spinner often work better than bare hoochie. I use a billed hoochie mostly, as the bill is tops at my local lakes.
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    Hook discussion

    I can third the Matzou sickle hooks. I tie my own double hook leaders using #4`'s Works well for me. Can someone please tell me why my sometimes my pics rotate? Maybe how to fix?
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    Shaver today

    Fish are not easy to come by. 4 hits for 3 fish. The Kokanee are nice sized though
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    Mercury VesselVeiw mobile

    I asked Mercury about the speed adjustment question. Their answer was ; "we are planning to add that function to the app."
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    Snubbers yes or no

    What he ^ said. I don't miss them either.
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    2017 New boat Mods or addtions.

    Super D - great looking boat. Outstanding! I added a Garmin Echo map 93 sv this season. 9" screen, down view, side view, lakemaps, and chirp. The GPS store was discounting them big in December. I've used it striper fishing so far. It works well. Sonar is excellent, and the chart plotter is...
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    Billed Hoochies- what's your opinion ?

    I use billed hooches often. RMT's work as well as any of them. All depends on the day, and what their wanting at the moment.
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    Mercury VesselVeiw mobile

    I also added to my merc. Can't seam to adjust the idle speed on mine though. Using my android phone.
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    Downrigger Weights

    I use stick 10lb weights. Got them from bottom line tackle.Com Don't see all that much difference in blowback. However they fit perfectly in the rod holders on my Scotties. Got them at a good price with free snubers.
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    Keeping the young people entertained

    With summer heat upon us in central Cal, decided to add a towable tube to my boat. When the fishing is done why not let the youngsters have fun and cool off. Don't intend to disturb other fisherman, and will stay way clear. Was able to pickup an almost new tube and rope free from a friend that...
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    Action Disks by WiggleFin

    Tried some and they didn't work out for me. From their chart I ordered the smallest size that was recommended for Kokanee. At a 1.2 mph speed they didn't seem to wiggle at all. Revisited the wf site and read that because of slow kokanee trolling speed, a larger model should be used. Didn't...
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    What. Downrigger release are you using?

    Chamberlain is well spoken of by those who use them. Chamberlain and others of that design control the rod and terminal end tension separately. Thus giving one total tension control. Need to try them out someday. For now, I'm staying with the scotty mini that I modify with a longer cable so I...
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    Kokanee tackle. Com

    Was looking for pro-cure sents Server Error in '/' Application. Error in XmlPackage(.Load), Package=[product.variantsintablecondensed.xml.config], Msg=[The XmlPackage file could not be found. The search tree is: App_Templates/skin_{activeskinid}/XmlPackages and then the /XmlPackages folders in...
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    Kokanee tackle. Com

    Tried to place an online order today. Several of the website links were broken. Tried both IE and Chrome. Gave up, and ordered from another online source. Believe that I read here of a change of ownership. I've ordered quite a bit from them in the past. Anyone got any further information?
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    Deeeeeep cycle battery

    I'm currently running (2) Cabelas group 30 AGM powering a minnkota power drive 70 on a crestliner 17.5. Getting 7-8 hours before feeling a drop in power. Next batteries will be group 31 led acid (most any name brand) they're cheap enough to replace twice as often. But if you truly want the...
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    Thoughts and opinions....

    of dodger color matching that of hoochie/apex /bug /etc. color. Other than helping my ocd, not sure if it really makes a lot of difference. What do you guys think?
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    Hello from central cal

    I fish Kokanee in several central California lakes. DonPedro, Bass, pine flat, and others. Shaver is my home lake. Really enjoy taking out my grand nieces and their brother. My boat is a Crestliner sport angler 1750 with four stroke 90 merc, i-pilot minnkota, hummingbird graph, and electric...