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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. P

    Fontenelle expansion

    The expansion of water storage at Fontanelle is being funded by the State of Wyoming since no federal agencies could be talked in to it. The expansion meets none of the needs as defined in their charters. This planned expansion will consist of riprap around portions of the reservoir and on...
  2. P

    Great Fishing And No Crowd

    Made it to the Gorge on Saturday midday, and tried a white and green Buzz Bomb by a cliff and deep hole. First cast caught a 23" pup lake trout, then two more in ten minutes. Those were the only fish I was able to catch in three days. Lots of time jigging in a couple different colors, plus...
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    Great Fishing And No Crowd

    Thanks for the info Ducksfresh. Looks like I will be going tomorrow, Thursday, to avoid predicted heavy winds on Saturday. Will check in Green River for the Buzz Bombs - and report back. Thanks again.
  4. P

    Great Fishing And No Crowd

    Another newbie here, been watching and lurking some to start learning, and am now registered in the Forum. Have only caught a few Kokanee as incidentals on other fishing. I am headed to the Gorge this weekend, and do not have downriggers. Can you give me an idea of what types of jigs...