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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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    State of the Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Reduction in bag limit to 4 salmon per angler proposed
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    Shasta Tackle humdinger lures?

    Thank you. I have just one and I will try it this year and see what happens.
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    Shasta Tackle humdinger lures?

    Are these mostly for trout or mostly for kokanee? Thanks
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    Okuma White Diamond Rod

    Yes 7’6” model 2 piece I might also use it for walleye
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    Nantahala looses a giant.

    Sorry to hear this
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    Nantahala Rising!!!!

    I think this will be waste of money. Sorry but Connecticut tried the same thing (stocking kokanee back in a lake taken over with herring) and it did not work. And this from an agency that is opposed to stocking any non native salmonids other than brown and rainbow trout?
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    Okuma White Diamond Rod

    I have an Okuma white diamond ML rod I plan to use this year. Is this a good rod for salmon and trout? Anybody troll with Okuma rods? Thanks
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    New line counter reels

    Those look nice!
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    Nantahala Tackle Give away

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    State of the Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Does the state of NC even raise and stock kokanee? I though these fish are self sustaining. The state at one time I thought stocked shad into Bear Lake.
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    Recommend a rod for trolling trout, salmon and walleye

    So I can use the whuppin stick rod with a downrigger?
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    Bluebacks and Nantahala Lake?

    Sad to hear this. Only so much food.
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    Recommend a rod for trolling trout, salmon and walleye

    I have a Cannon Mini-Troll downrigger I'd like to try out this year. Any recs on a good rod for trouts and walleyes to use with it? Most fish will be 10-15 inches and I will be trolling small spoons and minnow cranks. Thanks
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    Bluebacks and Nantahala Lake?

    Anybody know if herring are in Nantahala Lake or Santeetlah Lake? Thanks
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    Michigan Stinger Scorpion spoons?

    Thanks much!
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    Michigan Stinger Scorpion spoons?

    Anyone have success with these spoons for kokanee and trout? Thanks
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    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Nice fish. I would still like to see a 5 fish limit.
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    Nantahala Kokanee and NC Wildlife Comm.

    Any replies on kokanee from the NCWRC?