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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. K

    Salmon Lake Fishing Report

    If anyone fished Salmon Lake near Seeley Lake over the Memorial Day weekend, I would sure appreciate hearing how the fishing was and what you were fishing for.
  2. K

    2018 Dworshak Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    That sounds like my usual day of fishing. Thanks for the update.
  3. K

    Salmon Lake

    Anybody pulling any kokanee out of Salmon Lake this year? If so what rigging is getting their attention?
  4. K

    2018 Dworshak Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    Thanks for the info as I need all the help I can get. It's probably been 25 years since I fished Dworshak for kokanee. With the inspiration I have received from reading this years and last years forum, I think I will give it a shot the end of next week.
  5. K

    2018 Dworshak Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    THANKS FOR THE UPDATE Thanks to both responders for the Canyon Creek Road update. I'd like to head down in there next week if the weather cooperates. I don't suppose anyone would have a report of how the fishing was over the Memorial Day weekend? Is the water pretty clear in Canyon Creek and...
  6. K

    2018 Dworshak Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    Canyon Creek Access Can anyone tell me if the road down to the Canyon Creek boat ramp is open or did it suffer an extra hard winter?