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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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    2021 East Idaho Kokanee Report (Ririe/Palisades/Island Park Reservoirs)

    6/3/21 Ririe Reservior (Blacktail) Fished from 0730-1500 Hooked 47, netted 30. All fish were 11-14.5". All were good fighters, some had multiple jumps out of the water once they saw the boat. Some of the most active fighters I've ever had. Spunky fish, for sure. All fish were hooked...
  2. I

    Eastern Idaho Koke member!

    Howdy, all. I have been a kokanee fisherman for about three years. I mainly fish for kokes in Ririe Reservior (Bonneville County, ID), Mackay Reservior (Custer County, ID) and Anderson Ranch (Elmore County, ID). I have an 18' Starcraft Holiday I have kind of converted to a fishing boat, with...