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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. Kokanee Kid

    Lake Chelan Fishing Get-Together and Potluck. Lot's of Free Sponsor Gifts

    We were on the water for about 12 hours. Found nothing consistent, but did manage to find a "hot" spot. Got 5 or 6 in 10-15 min. and they were gone!! Ended up with 8 kokes, biggest was 19". The rest in the pic are trout. All were caught on a variety of gear and bait. Nothing consistent.
  2. Kokanee Kid

    Opening Weekend

    Clear lake Peirce co. Plan on harassing the trout with lures, no bait. Then getting after the koke!!!
  3. Kokanee Kid

    Kokanee Kraze March 29th

    Hope it helps you get more fish in the boat!!!
  4. Kokanee Kid

    Kokanee Kraze March 29th

    I am having problems posting pics, but I will be giving out 3 dick Nite dodgers out of my persona stash as well
  5. Kokanee Kid

    Kokanee Kraze March 29th

    First package showed up today..... Pro Cure is in and we got stuff to give you.
  6. Kokanee Kid

    Kokanee Kraze March 29th

    Hopefully meet some of you koke heads!! We will have giveaways, and have been hunting for more. Lots of local kokanee knowledge for the taking. Hopefully see you there.
  7. Kokanee Kid

    Kokanee Kraze March 29th

    I'm in!! Hopefully meet a few other kokanee fishermen!!!!!!!
  8. Kokanee Kid

    Lake Chelan Kokanee Fishing

    Just look at posts from this year, if I remember its April.
  9. Kokanee Kid

    The Dick Nite Challange.......and........(PIC HEAVY!!!!!)

    And then it was time for dragon boat racing!!!!! And yes that is a dude in a two two and a thong!!!!! Wish that memory could be erased!!!! And finally a group photo. All kokanee were left as were landed, except the two who came unbuttoned in the net. Those two were charged with theft of...
  10. Kokanee Kid

    The Dick Nite Challange.......and........(PIC HEAVY!!!!!)

    Some local pic's And now the DICK NITE CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!! 5 kokanee, 5 different dodgers, 5 different lures............ I have been wanting to do this for a long time. Saturday July 13 was the day. Fishing started out great with 5 hookups first pass and #1 done After a quick change combo...
  11. Kokanee Kid

    The Dick Nite Challange.......and........(PIC HEAVY!!!!!)

    The Dick Nite Challange.......and........(PIC HEAVY!!!!!) OK first off the and....... What have I been up to? Easy question to answer! family, work, eating, sleeping, and when I can................FISHING!!!!!!!!. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of taking my friend Paul fishing on his...
  12. Kokanee Kid

    lake meridian, lets go

    My son can not go, so be on the lookout for 2 big kids.
  13. Kokanee Kid

    lake meridian, lets go

    Saturday July 13 is the dragon boat races. That means no jet skis or water skiing. I plan to be there with my youngest and one of his friends. If you want to get on some kokanee, this is the day!!! Hit me up for what is working and where. Last trip we got 2 limits in 75 minutes and lost a bunch...
  14. Kokanee Kid

    Going Kokanee Fishing for the first time!

    Well, was hoping to see if it is a lake I fish, and tell you what I know before I go to bed(graveyard shift). I am sure someone will help you out, best of luck and tight lines!
  15. Kokanee Kid

    Going Kokanee Fishing for the first time!

    Sent you a private message with my number. Call me as soon as you can.
  16. Kokanee Kid

    Going Kokanee Fishing for the first time!

    Where are you fishing? State? Lake/resivor?
  17. Kokanee Kid

    The Dominator is BACK!!!!!!!

    So the kokanee Dominator has been bugging me to get out and get some kokes. So we hooked up today after I got done with work. And he was off to a terrific start 2 kokes in the boat before I got 1! I had several take downs and lost 1 and he has 2, WTH? So I did a close inspection of my hook...
  18. Kokanee Kid

    3 days with my bro......

    My brother and I don't get to fish that often, but when we do, we have a good time! I have been bugging him to come kokanee fishing with me for a long time. Well finally it happened! He drove up from Oregon Saturday morning with out of state fishing license for 3 days. We got on the water about...
  19. Kokanee Kid

    American 2013

    Say it ain't so!
  20. Kokanee Kid

    Clear Day Kokanee

    Thanks all! Gonna put some time on the water this 3 day weekend. Worried about the messed up weather putting the fish off the bite. Going to try anyway. Tight lines lines all!!!