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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. RC McKokanee

    whiskeytown lake 6-16-09

    got on the water at 6 am this morning. started fishing near the power tower just north of the hwy 299 bridge. first fish on at 6:20, thumbsup small 11" caught in 45' with a uv pink trout killer apex with uv dodger. second fish on at 6:35, another small 12" fish caught in 45' with a red wedding...
  2. RC McKokanee

    whiskeytown lake 4/19

    haven't seen any new whiskeytown reports here, but latest reports of people who have fished there have seen the fishing picking up some. still haven't heard of any large fish being taken yet. weathere here has been strange for june with many afternoon and evening thunderstorms and cooler...
  3. RC McKokanee

    whiskeytown lake 4/19

    the latest reports on whiskeytown is the fishing is picking up some, still small fish in the 10 to 12 inch range, some with copepods. most of the fish are coming near the hwy 299 bridge. since the weather has warmed up here, getting in the low 90's during the day, the weekends will be busy...
  4. RC McKokanee

    whiskeytown lake 4/19

    this is a little late ,but i fished whiskeytown lake sunday 4/19 . hit the water at 6:30 am launched at whiskey creek, started fishing at the 5mph buoys. trolled all the way past the hwy 299 bridge and did not get a single strike. i marked fish and tried 4 different setups, one a red wedding...
  5. RC McKokanee

    How do you use (apply) fish scent?

    make sure you gas up the day before fishing. you can always wear surgical gloves until you put the line in the water, and a electric trolling motor will keep your hands away from the gas engine. i'm not sure about putting any of that smelly stuff on my hands. it might make the beer slip out...
  6. RC McKokanee

    List of California Koke lakes

    i'm pretty sure cherry lake had kokes in it.
  7. RC McKokanee

    Quagga Mussels found in Lake Tahoe

    how many lakes are infected with these mussels? and if they are such a problem, can they kill them off in the lakes they are in already. of course they won't do this in a lake like tahoe. all i know is i am glad i havent had my boat in any lake other than whiskeytown and shasta the past 4...
  8. RC McKokanee

    whiskeytown lake

    cptdarel, when you get up to whiskeytown and fish with tc, we all need to hook up. man , today we got around 3 to 4 inches of rain in and around redding, flooding all over and i am sure alot of water going into whiskeytown lake and shasta.
  9. RC McKokanee

    What percentage of your catch is NOT Kokanee

    i first started fishing for kokes on stampede res. near truckee calif in the mid 80's. i used to catch alot of trout in this lake before i started targeting kokes. i still caught some trout, but it was not many years into koke fishing that soon i caught only kokes . now i fish whiskeytown res...
  10. RC McKokanee

    Good avg koke out west??

    i have fished whiskeytown lake here in upper northern calif for the past 6 years and going on my 7th. except for last year where the fish were dinks, only going 8 to 12 inches, with a few going to 14, i have consistently caught fish from 17 to 19 inches, with the largest fish caught on my boat...
  11. RC McKokanee

    Lead core or riggers?

    i used lead core back in the day i fished out of my 12 ft. valco and had no dr. as soon as i got my first dr. i really never went back to lead core. the presence of alot of boats fishing in the same area cured me of lead core. i also have caught alot of kokanee just beyond the back of my boat...
  12. RC McKokanee

    More downriggers or stacker

    i won't use more than the two downriggers i have, i stack two each all the time and have been known to stack 3. it takes time and patience to stack, and it's a cheaper way to put more lines in the water .
  13. RC McKokanee

    Is Calif allowing boats in from out of state?

    at whiskeytown lake they have signs about the mussels but haven't seen inspections. also haven't seen inspections at lake shasta yet.
  14. RC McKokanee

    New to this site.

    welcome fellow california kokanee fisher ! i would love to go to flaming gorge, if your ever going to fish whiskeytown lake, let me know.
  15. RC McKokanee

    Winter Kokanee at LBC

    where is this lake billy chinook located in oregon ? two years ago i camped at lake waldo. i think they should rename it lake mosquito, but it was a beautiful clear lake. we didnt fish there but did fish another lake just a few miles away that we walked around. and we visited odell and there...
  16. RC McKokanee

    Kokanee Salmon Egg Take on the Upper Truckee 10-15-08

    i remember seeing the kokanee spawning in taylor creek when i lived at south lake tahoe. middle 1970's, i couldnt believe people were actually trying to fish for them. the creek was red with fish. a also remember the huge trout at fanny bridge, and i remember the drought that lowered the lake...
  17. RC McKokanee

    Boats, Boats, Boats

    2002 boice jet torrent 21' 78" floor 350 kodiak, american turbine 312 minn kota autopilot 65 2 cannon mag20dt downriggers 5 hp evinrude 4stroke kicker if i can figure out how to post pics, i will
  18. RC McKokanee

    whiskeytown lake

    last year i caught fish, but they ranged from 8 to 14 inches. there were a couple of guys who fished whiskeytown alot last year and they had good success,but same results with small fish. hopefully the fish will be larger this year. as soon as the rains slow down i will be going fishing there...
  19. RC McKokanee

    Reels for Kokanee fishing

    i have about 6 abu garcia's the last one i got is the 4600c3, i haven't even put line on it yet. the clicker is a option i like because you can put two rods on a rigger and lower both at the same time with ease. they are a good reel for the price also.
  20. RC McKokanee

    whiskeytown lake

    just wondering who here fishes whiskeytown lake. i live about 8 miles from whiskeytown and it is the lake i fish the most in spring and summer. kokanee's are what i fish for and i'm hoping those little 12 inchers last year grew up to the fish i am used to pulling out of this lake.