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  1. idaho_Grizz

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Nice, I need to make a trip up
  2. idaho_Grizz

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    The reason the fishing is not as good is because of the fires and mud that covered the spawning beds the last couple of year have really cut the number of fish in Anderson. Maybe by a couple of years it will be back
  3. idaho_Grizz

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Yes lots of flooding on the river the last two year have caused the lose of much of the returning fish. Might take two year before the fishing returns. Sad but can't do much about mother nature
  4. idaho_Grizz

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Mike are you going after salmon up in Washington this year
  5. idaho_Grizz

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Thanks, will try once more!
  6. idaho_Grizz

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Are the Kokanee turning color or do I have time for one more trip?
  7. idaho_Grizz

    Arrow Rock

    Anyone fishing AR and catching fish? Need to get out before having surgery on shoulder on the 30th Just want to try someplace Any ideas? Not ice fishing because I can't cut holes with the shoulder Thanks Grizz
  8. idaho_Grizz

    LP and Arrowrock

    longlining or Downrigrers
  9. idaho_Grizz

    Boise Sportsman Show

    I'll be there, birthday this weekend so will have a little b-day money to spend. Got a red rod for Xmas, so maybe a new reel and a few lures.
  10. idaho_Grizz

    Arrowrock trip

    Jimbo Did you read in the paper today about the Bull Trout using arrowrock and they are starting to get bigger. I wish we had a good big fish reservoir in this part of the state. I hate put and take trout, wish the state would do a better job.
  11. idaho_Grizz

    Off Season Creativity?

    Nice Pogue I wish I had some talant like that. I really like that.
  12. idaho_Grizz

    fishing the Snake River ???

    I don't think I would take a fiberglass boat on most of the snake, lots of skinny water.
  13. idaho_Grizz

    Lp sucks buckets!

    Good luck Been recover from knee replace so hope to get out my self in a couple of weeks
  14. idaho_Grizz

    Lp sucks buckets!

    What kind of report is that, I want to hear about 101chromefish101
  15. idaho_Grizz

    What do you do?

    DLM Great info! Thanks
  16. idaho_Grizz

    What do you do?

    Can someone give me an idea when you use glow and U.V lures. I have tried the glow, I can't say if it helps. I sure as the fish get deeper it might make a difference. Do you fish this type of lures at say, 1-20 feet.
  17. idaho_Grizz

    What do you do?

    Jimbo We can take my boat. I am always looking for someone to tAke. Like meeting new people and sharing info. Got to get my downriggers mounted.
  18. idaho_Grizz

    What do you do?

    Barch Something else to look at is contrast of color. Read a lot about using lures with two colors (pink/ white, pink/purple) I always used just solid colored lures. I am also looking at more glow and UV color. I still reading about when to use these.
  19. idaho_Grizz

    What do you do?

    Thanks Jimbo for playing I need to get my GPS out to check my speed. Got a new boat this year. Hoping it will troll slow enought.
  20. idaho_Grizz

    What do you do?

    Ok, this question is for all you fishermen/gals in the know. I have always been one of those kiss (keep it simple stupid) type of people. I fished Anderson for years using just short lake trolls (6-8 inch 3 blades) and a silver wedding ring with pink beads and shoe peg corn and always got all...