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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. BiteMe

    Mussel inspection on the gorge

    Very frustrated with the whole thing. The inspections that they did were a joke. I could have had mussels hanging all over my boat & they wouldn't have noticed them. All they were worried about was dropping my outdrive. Hours were also a pain in the butt. Go through Evanston after they close &...
  2. BiteMe

    Now that koke season has closed on the gorge

    It amazes me at the different reports from the same lake. I only made it up 3 times this year. As far as numbers go, it was one of my best years, but as far as size, it was way down. I'm not saying I didn't catch some nice fish, but overall quantity was way up & size was way down. On 2 trips I...
  3. BiteMe

    Gorge 6/17 & 18

    Finally hit the Gorge for some Kokes. We started in the Swim Beach/Rawlins area and did real well until about 9, then they kind of shut down. Most the reports I read said the fish were shallow, so I started at 20' & hit one right off the bat. After trolling a bit, most fish were seen down...
  4. BiteMe

    I got nothin!

    It can be dang good in the evenings. I took the wife & kids out last year in the evening (Buckboard), can't get them out of bed in the AM, and we put 7 in the boat in about an hour. It could have been a lot more, but they were ready to go back in. Oh, did I mention all the kids are girls also. I...