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  1. KokeNovice

    Flaming gorge question

    Well, I'm planning on going up from Sep. 3 to the 6. So hopefully they will still be around. Is there a place up there that you can see the fish running like the fish trap at Strawberry?
  2. KokeNovice

    Flaming gorge question

    Just curious, Why do you stay at Lucerne? Seems like I always here of Buckboard as being the place to be. Also, Thanks for the advice on locations
  3. KokeNovice

    Flaming gorge question

    Anyone care to give me some insite into how late I can get on the Kokes up at the gorge? I've only been once and would like to get up there this year but don't want to waste my time. A good location to fish would be helpful as well. Thanks
  4. KokeNovice

    Strawberry 7-18-10

    Leave strawberry marina and head straight towards haws point. Stay in about 80-85' of water. Then turn left towards the island, once your within about two hundred yards of the island, make a long sweeping turn around to your right back towards the marina...Repeat, over and over all day long...
  5. KokeNovice

    Strawberry 7-18-10

    Strawberry today. Landed 5 Kokes. Lost a dozen. Biggest one went 21" and 3.66 lbs. Currently first place in the contest they have up there. I can't get a picture up. Someone give me their email address that can post it for me.