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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. jakelunde

    Palmer Lake

    Places to camp There is so many different lakes in that area, I am almost sure that you will be able to find a campground close by. The nearest town is the town of Loomis it is about three or so miles away from the boat ramp.
  2. jakelunde

    Palmer Lake

    Just was there it was awsome!!!! I was staying at specticle fishing sucked. Palmer was awsome got fifteen on the boat with three in half a day. they were eating everything!
  3. jakelunde

    lake Palmer is the place to go!!!!!!!!!! Just outside of the town of loomis. Message me and I...

    lake Palmer is the place to go!!!!!!!!!! Just outside of the town of loomis. Message me and I will tell. Best trip of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. jakelunde

    Downrigger Trolling

    Thoughts on the best Kokanee downrigger releases.
  5. jakelunde

    Best chance gear for first time lake

    any of you guys have a go to tech for hard to catch kokes on a new lake?
  6. jakelunde

    Washingtons Biggest Kok Lakes

    Lake Martha Tulalip has nice sized Kokanee but it is no combustion motors and is fairly small. I have had my greatest success there. they average 12" with on a good day 3 to 4 fish and on a bad day ZERO. It is close to home though.
  7. jakelunde

    Recommendation for Campground on Koke Lake with RV Hookups?

    Baker lake has a nice campsite no hookups though and it is free this time of year. It is owned by PSE.
  8. jakelunde

    First Time to Baker Lake Whats the Secret For This Time of Year?

    New to Kokanee fishing and new to the site. Any help on late season Kokanee fishing oh this lake would be great. I am taking the wife and would love to get her an opportunity to catch her first kokanee, also I would love to catch and release some dollies. I know I am new to this site but wa...