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  1. rgarbar

    State of the Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Play Taps for the Kokanee? Mark Sorry to hear your report. Since the headwaters of the Nantahala river remain pristine, I am assuming the problem is not there. The recent droughts and forest fires in the area may have played a role the last couple of years. Over fishing is also a...
  2. rgarbar

    State of the Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Mark I am still in FL with some health issues and looks like by the time I make it back to Nantahala(hopefully not in an urn:o) the kokanee season will be just about over this season. I did speak with my neighbor (via email) up there at Nantahala(Larry) who fishes the Nantahala often and...
  3. rgarbar

    State of the Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Stuck in Florida Doc I am still stuck in FL but hope to back at Nantahala Lake the end of the month to see whats happening with the Kokanee/blueback situation. I am looking forward to talking to some of the locals up there to see if the kokes are being caught this year. Now is prime time at...
  4. rgarbar

    State of the Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Nantahala Lake kokanee salmon are all naturally reproducing. The kokanee at Nantahala have recently been plagued by drought and an infestation of plankton eating blueback herring. The pristine spawning grounds in the head waters on the Nantahala river still exist and the kokanee will probably...
  5. rgarbar

    State of the Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    To date I have only heard of 3 Kokanee being caught at Nantahala during the 2017 season(none larger than 14"). Most of the fishermen/fisher women who targeted the Kokanee, including myself are targeting other species and/or have moved on to fish other lakes. I have heard of a number of larger...
  6. rgarbar

    Bluebacks and Nantahala Lake?

    Reply from NC fish and wildlife/blueback herring Well here is the response we have been waiting for from NC fish and wildlife Mr. Lillie, We are very concerned about how blueback herring may affect the Kokanee Salmon population. It seems likely that they will be detrimental to the salmon, but...
  7. rgarbar

    Bluebacks and Nantahala Lake?

    Kokanee RIP Sorry to hear that. It looks like the premier kokanee lake in the east is doomed as the herring will compete with the kokanee for the lakes plankton. The bluebacks will have a negative effect on the walleye and yellow perch as well. Every thing now fits into place. Last years...
  8. rgarbar

    Bluebacks and Nantahala Lake?

    bluebacks Mark I did some research and found some more discouraging news about bluebacks. When established the blueback herring is almost impossible to eliminate in a deep lake like Nantahala. The blueback spawn in the mid to upper 70 degrees. The surface temperatures of Nantahala easily reach...
  9. rgarbar

    Bluebacks and Nantahala Lake?

    Bluebacks in Nantahala Another forum recently reported the discovery of blueback herring in Nantahala Lake. This might help explain the poor Kokanee fishing at Nantahala Lake last season. The kokes I caught were fewer and smaller than in previous years. I have marked large bait balls in the...
  10. rgarbar

    Nantahala fall, winter, spring

    No fires but plenty of smoke especially when the nearby gorge and Winding Spring road was on fire about 2 weeks ago. The lake was really down and not looking good for the kokanee. Wanted to stay up at the lake but the air was too Smokey and we headed back to FL. Good to see you recovered from...
  11. rgarbar

    Nantahala fall, winter, spring

    The kokanee would have spawned over a month ago. How quickly the eggs will hatch depends on water temperature – colder water means slower development in the egg. At 7.8 0 C the eggs will hatch in 60 days but at 4.7 0 C they will take 97 days to hatch. These eggs/larva will be very vulnerable...
  12. rgarbar

    Nantahala fall, winter, spring

    The Nantahala river flowing into the lake is the lowest I have seen. This will have an impact on any salmon trying to get up there to spawn. Very low at the RT 64 bridge at Standing Indian and Rainbow Spring. The predators and poachers will have a field day.
  13. rgarbar

    Nantahala fall, winter, spring

    Winter fishing Nantahala Nantahala Lake is very low this year because of the drought. Launching a boat can be very difficult as you run out of dock and ramp(and that pestilent wind). The drought goes on with no end in sight. The drought may have a significant impact on the spawning run as...
  14. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Cheoah Reservoir Hit Cheoah yesterday and found this when I went to launch. Launching was very dicey and I am sure the ramp will be closed and removed by the state for safety reasons. Looked like arson and the fire was very recent as I could smell the burned wooden decking.:mad: Did...
  15. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Banner Day At Cheoah Mark Tried to PM you but failed. Larry and Dale report they are still catching kokes in that area above the Nantahala river inlet @ 80+" down. I hit Cheoah lake on Monday and the bite was really on. I stopped counting at 11. Kept these for the dinner table. All...
  16. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Saturday The kokes seem scattered all over the lake and at various depths(60' to 100' down). I would try your normal spots. If that does not work head toward the inlet and try that large open area before the lake gets narrow towards the river. I did get a little action up there earlier in...
  17. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Still Slow Glad the doctor released you to fish again. I fished on Monday and got one koke about 13" and 2 other strikes. Still slow and the fish are small. The local guide claims to have caught 8 last week on two trips. Did not get a mature fish all season, nor did any other kokanee...
  18. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Nantahala Kokanee I just got a report. Seems Slim from Fontana lake(you may know him Mark) fished Nantahala lake yesterday afternoon and caught 3 nice kokanee at 100' down in the main channel in about 180' of water. I am going to hit the lake tomorrow.
  19. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    2 in the Box The fisherman's almanac and last nights full moon said it would be a poor days fishing. I went out anyway. Had a slow day but did manage 2 kokanee in the 13+" range. One took a red hootchie the other a chartreuse spinner. I went out of my comfort zone and caught these two fish in a...
  20. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    3 Kokes and a Eye Had a decent morning at Nantahala. Caught 3 Kokes in the 13" to 14" range. Also got a walleye at about 15". All fish were caught 42' to 52' down and green/chartreuse hootchies took them all. Lost 2 fish on the way to the boat. What a difference in the fight a Koke puts out...