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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. kansasrockchalk

    Lucky Peak Update

    Where abouts? Skunked the day before by the dam.
  2. kansasrockchalk

    Lucky Peak Kokes 2011

    Went up this evening by the dam for a couple hours...only had one bite. Didn't mark many fish on the finder, the fish we saw were sporadic between 20-60 feet. Tried lots of tackle with no luck. Thought about running up the canyon a bit but every time we tried it was raining pretty bad so we...
  3. kansasrockchalk

    Wind and Weather

    Weather Underground is great....using the map function you can see wind in the region for all weather stations.
  4. kansasrockchalk

    Trolling Kokanee setup w/downriggers

    I did forget to mention I am in Boise area, so majority of fishing done at Lucky Peak and Arrowrock for kokes and trout. My thought on the BCX's is they could duel for some cat fishing as well in the Snake. Since I have down riggers the line counter is not needed. Thanks for all the...
  5. kansasrockchalk

    Trolling Kokanee setup w/downriggers

    Thanks for the replies so far! What are your thoughts on these...
  6. kansasrockchalk

    Trolling Kokanee setup w/downriggers

    Would love some feedback on mildly priced rod and reel suggestions for kokanee...have a little extra money this spring and would like to put 2 new setups on the boat for the kokes/trout. What are your favorite rods and reels? Thanks!
  7. kansasrockchalk

    Lucky Peak, August 3rd

    Love the name Kokanee Vandal! Go Vandals!
  8. kansasrockchalk

    Downrigger release question.

    Thanks guys, my only problem was realizing a fish was on...sometimes the rod would bounce a bit but other times we would reel in and a fish would be on. Anyhow, I was out Frdiay and the fish were about half way between the dam and spring shores. from 15-50 feet is what we fished varying our...
  9. kansasrockchalk

    Downrigger release question.

    Relatively new to this game, just got a boat for the first time this year and been out 2 times to LP with pretty good success. A buddy of mine and I were out yesterday and the kok's were pretty thick, we ended up with 10, and lost probably twice that. My biggest problem was the release clip on...