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  1. GringoJohn

    Huge Broomtail Grouper and lots of Marlin - Quepos Costa Rica Fishing Report

    Yes sir, we built a 28 footer from scratch, and then we redid the ocean master from the hull up in corecell. Now we are fishing! This was the 32 footer we redid hull up in corecell: Before After: And then we built this one using a random abandoned boat as a mold. This one is real...
  2. GringoJohn

    Huge Broomtail Grouper and lots of Marlin - Quepos Costa Rica Fishing Report

    Inshore fishing has been crazy good here with lots of big school of sardines running up and down the coast pulling all the fish out of their caves and rivers. Check out this huge BroomTail Grouper from last week: In addition to the gruoper, there have been lots of snook around lately too...
  3. GringoJohn

    Prehistoric Bull Dorado!

    One of the biggest Mahi I've seen out here, check out the size on this thing! Fishing has been pretty good lately, best day this week was 11 dorado and a nice marlin, slowest day was 3 sails and a pair of dorado. Fishing is really start to pick up down here! Sorry for the bad colors, my...
  4. GringoJohn

    Deep Dropping in Sunny Quepos Costa Rica

    Nobody really does deep dropping here in Quepos, so i thought we'd be the first ones to try and man we had some pristine fishing. Every drop was something, if we sent down three hooks, we had three fish, amazing day out here deep drop fishing! These were all caught at around 400 ft (I know...
  5. GringoJohn

    Restoring my cold molded 30 foot Gamefisherman in Costa Rica!

    I actually run a charter company. We buy hulls that I like but that need work and we restore them up and then run charters with them. We have three that we've restored so far, but this is by far my coolest project because it's wood and it turned out better than I hoped. My last project was a...
  6. GringoJohn

    Restoring my cold molded 30 foot Gamefisherman in Costa Rica!

    Thanks, I showed the old owner and he had to look closely and I think he regrets selling it now!! I haven't done any tarpon fishing, that's on the other coast and they don't have the infrastructure for my boat yet. It's mostly boats that have to come out of the river. We go after mostly...
  7. GringoJohn

    Restoring my cold molded 30 foot Gamefisherman in Costa Rica!

    Here is a picture of the visor we turned the front part of the cabin into. That was a lot of work as we built it a couple of times until I got it looking right. We also built those two fiberglass boxes you see on the tower that is next to the boat so I can put all the gauges in one side and the...
  8. GringoJohn

    Restoring my cold molded 30 foot Gamefisherman in Costa Rica!

    We spent 7 days a week, 14 hours a day, getting her back to new. Had to bring it all the way down to the hull and do a couple of patches, put in new hull and motor supports (the wood beams the motor sits on) and then built a small cabin up front with the bathroom and a ton of rod holders! It was...
  9. GringoJohn

    Albino Pacific Saifish in Costa Rica video

    I finally got my new Nikon D5100 camera today, and today we took it out for the first time on the water. Got some really good aerial shots of some sailfish, and also some video from it. We were actually hooked up today, when a totally white, albino sailfish swam right past the boat. I've only...
  10. GringoJohn

    Swimming with the big ones in Quepos Costa Rica!

    Thanks, it was a blast. It's always nice when the fish are biting!
  11. GringoJohn

    Swimming with the big ones in Quepos Costa Rica!

    Wow, Christmas fishing has been awesome! We went out today and boated a nice Marlin and three sailfish. We also had another of those crazy customers who jumped in a swam with the Marlin before we released it, it was an awesome time! This week has been really good for the Marlin, we've had 3 in...
  12. GringoJohn

    Painting fish on the bottom of the boat

    Yeah, here is an older photo. We changed it up a little since, but you'll get the just: Here is a current picture, but you can't see all the boat...
  13. GringoJohn

    Painting fish on the bottom of the boat

    !!! Hopefully they don't knock themselves out and they find the lures!
  14. GringoJohn

    Painting fish on the bottom of the boat

    Awesome. That's one of those decals you want above the water line though!!! :)
  15. GringoJohn

    Painting fish on the bottom of the boat

    Finally decided to get serious about the underside of the boat! There were some dis-laminated spots on the bottom, so I went out and got some vinyl ester resin and some Kevlar and got the bottom back to new. Let it sit for two weeks with some heat lamps, and then did an epoxy barrier coat by...
  16. GringoJohn

    Monster over 100 lb super Amberjack Costa Rica Fishing Report

    This was really really awesome. We got this doing a SCUBA / Spearfishing dive on my favorite bottom fishing spot. After this trip, I just bought 20 tanks and a ton of spearfishing equipment, after one trip I'm hooked! Check out this monster:
  17. GringoJohn

    Bananas = Bad Luck ??? Nov 12 CR Report

    You have got to have fun or what's the point, right !! ?? !! Anyday you can get a big Marlin and then make up a funny story to get people to smile is a good day thumbsup
  18. GringoJohn

    Bananas = Bad Luck ??? Nov 12 CR Report

    Nov 12 Ok, before I explain the picture of the 350 pound 120 inch Black Marlin with a banana in his mouth (which was caught by us today), I'll have to take you back a few weeks. I decided I was going to start eating better. That meant lots of berries, fruit, veggies and juice. So I started...
  19. GringoJohn

    B series Cummins and Vernatone Muffler MK2Review

    I don't know how many people here have offshore boats as well, but hey maybe there is just that one that might find this useful! Just put on a new Vernatone MK2 round 2 chamber muffler on my B series Cummins and the results were enormous. I have a 5.9 M3 330hp cummins and before I was running...
  20. GringoJohn

    Sailfish tailwalks right past the boat! Aug 20 CR Fishing Report

    Aug 20 Had a crazy day out today! Mike (the mate) went down to grab a bill of a sailfish today, and I saw the fish go electric blue. I yelled down, get out of the way, and he dove back and about that time, the fish came straight out of the water, and tailwalked right past the boat. And we...