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  1. Kokanme


    July 1961 ... Good lord, here comes 50. 101shock1101
  2. Kokanme

    Whole School of Kokes on the DR line

    Are these hoochies homemade? I was wondering what was beneath the skirts. Good thing I'm not a Koke, I think I'd be highly tempted by these offerings!
  3. Kokanme

    Smoker Craft...are they welded?

    My 12 ft Valco was manufactured in 67 and it's riveted. I've owned it awhile and haven't had any problems with leakage to date. I can't say the concern about leaking hasn't crossed my mind a time or two and if and when I upgrade to something larger, I'll probably look for a welded hull. Some of...
  4. Kokanme

    Ordering Hoochies

    I haven't heard of using hoochies for rockfish but it makes good sense, I get em on squid and especially ab scraps.