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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. bob r

    Best Fishfinder?

    The only unit I can comment on is the Python/ Tailfin setup, I bought one years ago and went through a lot of hassles with it, never could get it running right, service was responsive to my issues, they replaced power unit twice, motor once, remote unit once, and it still only worked...
  2. bob r

    Best ultralight spinning reel

    Pflueger Presidential reels are really good for the money, haven't had any issues with them.
  3. bob r

    Lack of classified?

    Thanks for answer.
  4. bob r

    Mag 5 hs boards

    That is NOT a good move by Cannon, glad I have scotty's, service and help are light years ahead of Cannon.
  5. bob r

    Lack of classified?

    What happened to the classified ads?
  6. bob r

    Downrigger release clip tension

    Do these work well with braid as well as mono? I switched to nothing but braid on rods unless in the salt for salmon where I will use a top shot of mono on top of braid.
  7. bob r

    Chamberlain stacker question

    When I stack I have used shuttle hawks with good results. Saves having to retrieve lower set-up when stacker rod hooks up. With a longer way down on our newer boat (and two scotty electrics) I haven't stacked much with the shuttle hawk lately. I would need longer arms to use it efficiently. Bob
  8. bob r

    Any updates for Buckboard

    Melanie and I have a "baseball" rule. 1st fish on personal rod goes to who's rod it is. after that we alternate, but you get 3 strikes. Fish is released for whatever reason? That's a strike. Fish gets off when it's close to the boat and visual? That's a strike. 3 strikes and it's the next...
  9. bob r

    Shasta's shuttle hawk vs. seps simply trollin

    Well, now you know how to keep from losing them (see above). I know that not only will speeding up get the hawk down faster, it will trigger a good number of bites from following fish. Bob
  10. bob r

    Shasta's shuttle hawk vs. seps simply trollin

    The only modification I would make is to use a short piece of plastic coated wire leader (15 lb. test should do) between the end of the hawk where the release is attached and the downrigger cable. Crimp on the release end, crimp on a snap swivel to the downrigger cable end. Screw the rubber band...
  11. bob r

    Thoughts on a fish finder?

    All he asked about is seeing the displays. I think he would get better info on this site or other forums then at a retail store, as the folks here are users vs. sellers. Bob R
  12. bob r

    Thoughts on a fish finder?

    any Cabela's or Bass Pro shops carry them, prob. any dedicated sporting goods store.
  13. bob r

    Thoughts on a fish finder?

    I have had Lowrance units for almost 20 years, all interactions with them have been great, when my transducer stopped sending temp. readings they sent a new one out, didn't even have to send the old one back. All help with technical issues have been great. I ran a 527 on our smaller boat, still...
  14. bob r

    Shasta Tackle humdinger lures?

    I agree, they haven't done much for me, either Bob R
  15. bob r

    New To Downriggers

    Just remember to use a piece of stiff mono ( I use 20 lb. plastic coated wire leader with a snap swivel to fasten unit to downrigger cable, better then the elastic band deal, no-one wants to see $14.95 go down into the dark depths not attached to anything. Bob R
  16. bob r

    New To Downriggers

    Why reel up a ball or use 8 oz. of weight When fishing deeper? Ever hear of a Shuttle Hawk? Just leave the damn thing down and let the hawk do the work! Bob R
  17. bob r

    Single hook knots?

    I generally use a uni-knot for my hook set-ups, use it for salt water salmon fishing as well, never had one fail. A good all around knot, it will join lines together as well. Bob R
  18. bob r

    does anyone know another site that is more active concerning FG

    You could always start one yourself. bob r
  19. bob r

    Cabela's Military Discount

    Sorry, didn't quite get any of it, I guess. After reading it all again I see that you weren't the orig. poster. I don't have much feeling either way about Cabelas, there is one not far from us and a Bass Pro shop as well.Both have their issues, bass pro shop more then Cabelas I have shopped at...
  20. bob r

    Cabela's Military Discount

    You know, it seems that if you are upset with Cabela's. I shop for what I need at the place with the lowest price for the specific item. If said item is available at a socially minded store that is where I will shop. As far as a discount, when someone gives you a discount it's great to get it...