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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. Trollin-Fools

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Tuesday it was 47 on the surface according to my fish finder.
  2. Trollin-Fools


    Did you have to deal with many squwfish?
  3. Trollin-Fools

    Proper care for your catch?

    fish care Wow I think your method is great! Personally all I do is hit them hard on the back of the head to kill them with a small club we call "The Bonker" and throw them on ice in the cooler. The rest of the cleaning takes place when I get home. I've never had any trouble with kokes not...
  4. Trollin-Fools

    Trolling Plates

    I've fished with a 4 stroke 50 hp and ez troll plate for 11 years and it works well but I'd agree that when it's really windy a bow mount electric motor would be a big help.
  5. Trollin-Fools

    Beginner-Mores Creek

    Kokanee fishing at LP can be good in Sept. and Oct. but you are catching next years fish so they will be smaller.
  6. Trollin-Fools

    Arrowrock Squawfish (Pike Minnow)

    Kill all squaw and feed then to the seaglus eagles and herrons!
  7. Trollin-Fools

    question about eating kokes

    I don't know but when we catch these we call them small rainbow trout.
  8. Trollin-Fools

    Lucky Peak Report

    We fished Saturday mornining for a couple of hours and it was the slowest day we have had this year! I think a stable barometer and a little nice weather might pick things up!
  9. Trollin-Fools

    Lucky Peak Kokes 2011

    Sawtooth- They were at big bend first thing but we attracted lots of boats due to the good bite so we moved back toward the dam about 1/4 to 1/2 mile and found a little school that would hit every time we went through it. Never did find a real big school that lit up the radar but found several...
  10. Trollin-Fools

    Lucky Peak Kokes 2011

    Friday, May 13th I use Shoepeg corn because the kernels are the right size unlike whole kernel corn which are sometimes way too large. I used to use scent but haven't for the last couple of years and haven't noticed any decrease in catch. Now I don't have that stuff on my fingers when I forget...