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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    More on bananas Just in case you thought I made it up.....
  2. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Speaking of women fishing Hey, as long as we're talking about women fishing..... I have noticed that whenever I go fishing with my wife her rod always catches more fish. Drives me crazy. We're not talking just a little bit better, I'd say at least 80% of the fish we caught were on the rod...
  3. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Bikini fishing? So I saw Mr. Predator out there on Saturday slaying fish while I was basically out for a boat ride. Since you told me you were using pearl squid and maggots, my wife and I went into town on Saturday evening and stocked up on both. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to work on...
  4. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Where did all the fish go? What a difference a day makes. Fished all morning and only had 3 fish on. 1 NPM and 2 kokes. It's like someone turned the fish switch off. I tried all the usual places around Spring Shores but kept coming up empty. Was anybody catching fish today? If so, where...
  5. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Thursday morning pretty good Decided to go into work late today. Put in at Spring Shores about 7:30 and fished for about 3 hours out in front of the boat ramp. Took home 6 real nice fish, the largest went 17.5", the rest about 16". Most on pink squid around 20'. Kinda surprised at the...
  6. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Friday fishing Fished the Spring Shores area yesterday with my uncle. The weather report must have scared everybody away because there was hardly anybody there. We saw maybe 5 other boats in the morning and by afternoon we had the place to ourselves. It was raining in the early morning but...
  7. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Another fine day on the lake My wife and I were out on the lake again yesterday and caught quite a few kokes. Problem was, they were mostly in the ten inch range so we released most of them. It got to the point that we were arguing over who had to reel in the next fish. "You reel this one...
  8. Old Woody

    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Pretty good day Sunday Looks like things are picking up a bit at LP. Was there yesterday and did OK. Kept 5 kokes that were all between 15-16" and tossed back that many because they were only about 10". All were caught down by the dam using pop gear and wedding rings on the surface. Had a...
  9. Old Woody

    Lucky Peak Kokes 2011

    Made it down to Lucky Peak with my wife on Saturday and did OK. Caught 4 kokes and 2 trout before my trolling motor went on the fritz and I had to quit. Had 1 pole at the surface, 1 at 12 feet and one at 21 feet. Caught fish on all of them. Sure was a beautiful day. Just ordered replacement...
  10. Old Woody

    Lucky Peak Kokes 2011

    Muddy water Been reading this forum for a while so I decided to join. I was down at Lucky Peak on Tuesday and noticed that the water coming in from Moore's Creek looked like chocolate milk. Has anybody noticed this affecting where the fish are? I tried fishing across from Spring Shores for a...