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  1. Moose1908


    Awesome!! Thanks again everyone, you've all been great help!worthy12
  2. Moose1908


    no need to worry about gps coordinates. The SW description should get me in the ball park. I wont be able to get up there till July, but when i do, i will post the results when i get back down in the valley. Until then i'll keep researching and pestering you guys with questions101smily101 Thanks...
  3. Moose1908


    Thanks lucky!! thumbsup Any advice on where to fish and at what depth?
  4. Moose1908


    June vs July? If so why? The only reason im asking is because i wont be able to go until July.
  5. Moose1908


    Good question! Im also a newb to kokanee and was thinking about doing a camping trip in July at Deadwood. Anybody have any advice??