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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. K

    2012 Anderson Ranch Fishing Thread

    Fished yesterday, 6:30am to 12:00 & 4:00-630pm. First session caught eleven, second session caught four. 50'-55' deep am, 30' deep pm ...go figure! Twelve between 10"-13", largest 17". Water temp was 67.8 degrees on the surface and 60 degrees @ 60'. Did not fish any deeper but suspect they are...
  2. K

    My fish finder is broken, What should I buy?

    I just installed a Lowrance Mark-4. It has S.O.G, water temp, GPS, and it is a chart plotter (mark your hot spots). It has a micro SD card slot so you can get a mapping card for many lakes. I have not fished with it yet but it is user friendly and has a brilliant black over white display. Best...
  3. K

    Boise Sportsman Show

    The flag looked great flying at the show. It was nice to meet you Jason in Joe's booth. I put the KFF decals on the Tracker and my son put the decal on his tackle box today. Thank you. Jason
  4. K

    Comment by 'sawtooth' in media 'willard boil wiper'

    What month was this taken?
  5. K

    Anderson Ranch Kokanee Report!!!

    The kokanee are getting their rest so I can put the whammy to them in June, get lots of rest my little buddies!!!fencing
  6. Fishing

