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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. J

    Washington Kokanee Power...on hold

    I understand that this got put on hold for now, but just wanted to find out more about where the process was etc. I am definately interested in Kokanee enhancement projects and think with the popularity in Kokanee fishing on the rise, we will very soon be in need of a Kokanee power of...
  2. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    Thanks Curt for the research and your right it does confirm what I knew to be the case. The bottom line here is we have to be wise and be willing to keep within the daily limits set by the state. This topic may be running its course but if nothing else hopefully it has gotten people thinking. It...
  3. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    You bring up some good points and I agree with you that the added fishing pressure this year is not the cause for the decline this year. I too have fished American for the past 6 years and have been a Kokanee fisherman for almost 30 years. I totally agree that the last two years at American...
  4. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    Curt, thanks again for your informative replies and knowledge. How might we as concerned anglers get involved in this and with the management of Kokanee? Is there a way we can get involved or have a voice or impact?
  5. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    I reached out to the outdoor line and northwest wild country radio programs. Here is the reply I recieved from The outdoor line and my response below it. The Outdoor Line Thanks for sharing the links Jason. I can understand the frustration some are experiencing. The bottom line, all of our...
  6. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    Yeah I do not release Kokanee either and either stop fishing or have given a fish away to keep fishing once. I have however released silvers at Riffe using barbless hooks a time or two, I have to admit. Kokes though have always seemed too fragile and are always bleeding every time I get them...
  7. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    In total agreement here, I too was superised to see the crowd at 0450 and have 100 plus boats to contend with on a lake I have fished for 6 years. I did end up with 2 fish that day but it was pretty slow. 100 hundred boats and very few fish caught.
  8. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    I learned too this year that with so much media coverage and internet access you have to be very careful what you share and with whom you share it. One thing I have learned about the internet is that it can be good and bad. It is good in that we are able to share information and help each other...
  9. J

    Strip Mining Fish

    As sportsmen, one of our responsibilities is to be good stewards and preserve our resources. One current trend I see happening in Western Washington is that when a lake gets heated up or starts producing fish, it gets pounded hard and in essence is strip mined. Take American lake the last 2...
  10. J

    Got Kokanee?

    Where did you go today? Riffe?
  11. J

    Samish GREAT start

    I would like to fish it some time soon. Looks like 105 miles from here, about a 2 hour ish drive. Perhaps I will have to give it a shot in a couple weeks.
  12. J

    American Lake May 5 2012

    Obviously its the body of water then eh. Most people at American lake I talked to today did not get any Kokes. Merwin is down by Olympia or where? I fish American because it is close but am always looking to try new bodies of water.
  13. J

    American Lake May 5 2012

    Wow, I don't know about anyone else but for me I have to say fishing was tough! The crappy weather this past week has definately had an impact of fishing for sure. I fished hard all day from 0530-1330. I managed to get just 3 bites and catch 3 kokes. 2 14 inches and one 16. One fish came on a...
  14. J

    American Lake 4/28/2012

    Please let me know how you do, I am heading out Saturday Morning! Good luck to you, hope you get into em!
  15. J

    American Lake 4/28/2012

    Last weeks Fish April 21 2012 Here are the fish we got on April 21 2012
  16. J

    American Lake 4/28/2012

    Was out on the water at 0500 but did not get the first fish until about 0620 or so. Had a great day, ended up catching 5 kokes and bringing home 4. I got my biggest Koke to date in this state, measured 17 inches, also got a 16 1/2 inch, and the smallest was 14 1/2. I ended up losing 3 other...
  17. J

    Hello from Auburn Washington

    It will always be my all time favorite body of water to fish ever! Always fished the Sheep Crick side out in front of the red cliffs, also through horsshoe canyon. My Grandpa lived in Manilla for 18 years and prior to that I would take the 5 hour drive with him from Magna as a kid. I am up...
  18. J

    American Lake info

    Did you get all your questions answered? If you are still looking for info on American lake just let me know I would be glad to help you. Jason
  19. J

    Roll Call

    Name: Jason Occupation: Health Care Hometown: Algona Washington Lakes of most experience: Flaming Gorge, American, Washington, Total years fishing: 30 Years fishing for Kokanee :25, 6 years out of my own boat, Methods: Trolling, Boat: 16 foot Smoker Craft Lodge, the "SS Lunker" Hello...
  20. J

    Hello from Auburn Washington

    Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. Name is JD and I am new to this forum, have been other sites for quite some time now but new to this site. Lifelong fisherman and avid Kokanee fisher. Grew up fishing Flaming Gorge with my Grandpa and still like to get down there when I can. I...