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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. L

    double hooks

    I retied and threw that idea away thanks for the help guys
  2. L

    double hooks

    got it i will re tie and yes it is a float i actually have caught a couple of koks with a orange one.Calimari r u saying to make it like a banana shape and fish it sideways without a spinner just with the float some beads and hooks ps thanks guys im sure i will be asking more questions about...
  3. L

    double hooks

    u guys must still be laughing to hard by my lure to answer my question I guess I will just have to try the hook setup out and see how it works
  4. L

    Ordering Hoochies

    i just received a very quick order from hoochie king great service
  5. L

    double hooks

    I recently went kok fishing and now im hooked>After one trip I have started ready these forums and looking at lures so I can make my own stuff way more fun to catch on your own rigs.Any ways I read somewhere to use a sliding hook on your first hook and tie the second one but I have never seen...
  6. L

    Ordering Hoochies they have a good selection for way cheaper then thegoldstar