I do take offense. You imply through your skilled use of parentheses that I have no right to participate in this forum discussion.
With all due respect, my ActionDiscs are also sold by Kokanee Tackle (a forum sponsor) and the School of Fish does not "do the same thing" as a Swarm flasher. The Swarm flasher has 5" blades and is designed to mimic Kokanee chasing bait fish. It casts a broad, bright flash in a random pattern.
I have nothing but respect for anyone trying to make a living in the tackle business and will never trash a competitors product. The Oregon Tackle - School of Fish, is a quality product based on an umbrella rig that has been used with success by offshore saltwater trollers for decades. As it's name implies, it uses spinner blades to represent a school of bait fish, but it is not a flasher.
As for the ActionDisc, anyone who watches the video can see how they are rigged. If you need more detailed rigging instructions they are available on my website.
- Dean Teegarden
WiggleFin Tackle LLC.