ALERT! Yellow-Legged Frog going on CA ESL will stop trout planting!

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Mar 16, 2011
!!!!ALERT!!!! We only have until 3-18-11 by 5PM to submit comments to DFG on this one. If this happens trout planting in CA will become a thing of the past in most waters, just to protect this frog.

I have just learned that CA DFG intends to put the Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog on the CA Endangered Species List. They supposedly announced this Feb 16, 2011 and gave us until Mar 18 to submit public comments. Did anyone else hear about this? Here's there public notice.

Who's behind this? The Center for Biological Diversity. Here's their Press Release from Jan 2010 which puts most of the blame squarely on DFG and trout planting.

Here is a link to the Wikipedia page on this frog:

DFG has already stopped planting in some places, but if this widely spread frog population is put on the CA ESL it could force them to shut down planting in a whole lot more streams and lakes.

We need to write Letters to DFG now, to oppose the listing of this frog.
Time is short, so please E-mail your comments to Mitch Lockhart at:

[email protected]

or send overnight to this address:

Fisheries Branch – High Mountain Lakes Program
Department of Fish and Game
Attn: Mitch Lockhart
830 S St.
Sacramento, CA 95811

Mitch's Office # (530) 906-3934

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