Last Tuesday I was on Lucky Peak on a rather windy day. I was trolling at about one mile an hour in a straight line and noticed a boat appoaching from the rear at about a twenty degree angle on the right side. I didn't think too much about it till the boat was overtaking me and on a definate collision course about a hundred feet from me. I tried turning into the wind little success and motioned for the other boat to go around. No change in there course they would have rammed me for sure if the male companion had not jumped into action and slammed their boat into reverse stopping the boat about tweny feet from me. The lady driving the boat called me a "son of a gun" (yeh right) and yelled "I hope you fall in". In turn I yelled back that I was in front of them and had the right of way and they needed to steer around me. This was an unfortunate situation. Any comments?