Went out to the lake yesterday (Mon.) and got it the water about 10ish. Clear cool and breezy. Launched at the Cappel cove free launch and headed out. By the time I got around the corner to open water the wind picked up and rough white capped water was waiting for me. Not good. I was going to go out to the dam area but now that was not looking good. Got around past the mouth to Steele park and decided to drop lines along the shore where I have picked up some nice fish in the past. Windy conditions were making it hard to get set up, but I rigged a meps side kick with a rainbow needle fish tipped with a piece of a crawler and dropped it down 25'. Then I rigged up my always killer combo of a double sling blade with an orange needle fish tipped with a salmon egg. Dropped it down to 36' and within 30 seconds wham! Fish on. 10 seconds later, fish off. Circled around for a couple of hours fighting the wind and nothing.
The wind finally died down so I headed for the dam. Problem was I took a wrong turn and ended at Pleasure cove. Saw a few people out so dropped lines again. Hooked up a Ford fender with an orange needle fish and top lined it about 75' back. Within a minute the rod bounced and I heard a splash. Looked behind the boat and saw a large fish (thinking trout) jump out of the water. Reached for the pole, he jumped again then was gone. Circled around for a couple more hours till dusk with nothing.
Still had fun. Got the boat out and spent the day fishing not working and at least saw a fish. Overall had a good time.