Boat top vinyl cleaning?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2014
West of Oly
IMGP0016.JPGIMGP0017.JPGIMGP0019.JPGIMGP0020.JPGIMGP0021.JPGJust got a new to me boat and the clear vinyl has black stuff from rubbing the aluminum frame. Any ideas on how to clean it off and care for the vinyl for years of enjoyment? it does not scrape off.
Here are a few pics.

Thanks in advance. Jim Sr.
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I used car wax on mine and it cleaned up well , I know there have been other ways to do it also , maybe check jeep top cleaning on youtube
Their is a product out called plexus and it will clean up scratches and make you plastic very pliable it's the best I have found how ever if they are really bad replace just the eisenglass on my big boat I put sun sox over all the frame work so their is no rubbing if they are not available your local sew guy can build you some
I also saw the YouTube video about pledge. I'm going to try and use a little car wax ion a small spot & see how that does. Thanks a lot guys!!!

Jim Sr.
Well all done waxing the vinyl and they turned out great, still some black but only about 20% remaining.
I am very pleased at the outcome
Thanks guys.

Jim Sr.

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