Well-known member
after talking with the reps at cannon and getting all my questions answered (they were very knowalagable and friendly) I ordered and just received my 2 digi troll 10's and these are my observations and my opinions. first out of the box and spreading out that parts I noticed the parts for the positive ion they tout and advertise and on the side of the box are missing but on reading the instructions they are an option (for $1400.00 suggested sale price you would think they could afford a 6'' coil of wire )101facepalm101 any way I made my own (I will show how latter ) next fit and finish. the main body seams well made and looks good but the mast is another story they are very sloppy even when pushed in 6'' on each section and just as bad in the head even when tightened down nothing like my 2106's next I mounted it. the main slide in mount setup is nice but again, sloppy you can take the mast extended and rock the whole thing up and down at the mast tip 4'' just to take the slop out and while tightening the SS mast the 1st stage adjuster pin broke (good thing I didn't sell my black mast's looks like I will be needing them for parts) the mast are not acceptable to me and the workman ship seams like it is the bare mim. to get it out the door( I will be making scotty copies latter)
this is how it comes boxed. I would like to see it with a with a SS drum and mast like the ts which is the only difference according to the reps I talked to. that and being white and a rod holder short 101facepalm101. (my boat is red and black and the white clashes)
I live in the pacific north west we have rain and pine needles I use covers but not when camping and it would be nice to have tool less entry to the side covers. it didn't take much and it is a lot more convenient than going and getting a screw driver taking the cover off cleaning out then having to put the screwdriver away heres how I did it and parts
and you can see by the pictures it looks like cannon did it. and you can see my antenna I made out of SS tig rod. just something that could be added to make life a little easier. the plugs are ok but hard to plug in and out and they don't hard mount, but they will be replaced with marinco's ( the new scotty design ) now on a positive note I do like the clutch adjustment over the scotty. and hoping the electronics are not disappointing but that will be later. right now I am not seeing my 1400.00 yet. I know this sounds like a rant but if nothing is said nothing changes. thanx dfly

I live in the pacific north west we have rain and pine needles I use covers but not when camping and it would be nice to have tool less entry to the side covers. it didn't take much and it is a lot more convenient than going and getting a screw driver taking the cover off cleaning out then having to put the screwdriver away heres how I did it and parts

and you can see by the pictures it looks like cannon did it. and you can see my antenna I made out of SS tig rod. just something that could be added to make life a little easier. the plugs are ok but hard to plug in and out and they don't hard mount, but they will be replaced with marinco's ( the new scotty design ) now on a positive note I do like the clutch adjustment over the scotty. and hoping the electronics are not disappointing but that will be later. right now I am not seeing my 1400.00 yet. I know this sounds like a rant but if nothing is said nothing changes. thanx dfly