I usually set a trap or two when camping. All my experience has been on lakes but I'll share what I know. For bait I use trout scraps if the fishing has been good but have also had success using chicken. I set my traps in the evening and try to pick them up the next morning. For my purpose I keep them in a cool bucket but I will cook them the same day I empty the trap. They are like crab in that if you put them in a bucket of water they will use up the oxygen and suffocate. When setting the traps I look for a secluded area that gives them some kind of cover, preferably a bottom with lots of big rocks. The traps don't need to be deep, no more than 15' anyway. When I'm ready to eat them I just toss them in a pot of boiling water over the camp fire for 10 minutes or so. They're pretty good with just a couple tablespoons of salt thrown in but lately I've been using a Cajun seafood boil. I think it is from Zaterans. Then we sit around the campfire snacking on them. I don't catch any more than we've eaten in one sitting so I can't offer any advice on saving them.
Hope something in all of this was useful, good luck!