Crossing State Lines

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Just made a run up I-15N going to Malad, Idaho for lottery tickets. After crossing state line, there was a sign at the rest area for all boats to pull in. Apparently, Idaho is now doing inspections on boats for mussels. Does anyone have any other info on this matter in Idaho, such as possible restrictions?
The Idaho Invasive Species Fund

Legislation passed in spring of 2009 is assisting in funding programs to prevent the introduction of invasive aquatic species in Idaho. Learn more by watching an informative video.

The new law requires boaters, both motorized vessels and non, to contribute to the Idaho Invasive Species Fund (IISF). The Idaho Department of Agriculture is responsible for management of the IISF program.

New Law
Under the new law, any boat that is registered in Idaho or another state, and any non-motorized vessel (canoe, kayak, raft, drift boat, etc.) will be required to purchase and display IISF stickers in order to legally launch and operate in Idaho. Inflatable, non-motorized vessels must be less than 10 feet in length to be exempted from this requirement.

This sticker and fee will be in addition to any annual boat registration fees already being paid.


IISF sticker prices are $10 for motorized vessels registered in Idaho, $20 for other motorized vessels, and $5 per non-motorized vessel. Discounts for non-motorized commercial fleets are available. Stickers can be purchased online, by mail or at any Idaho State Park.

The fees generated from the sale of IISF stickers will fund vessel inspections, washing stations and informational materials that will assist Idaho with preventing the introduction of aquatic invasive species like quagga mussels. See the Invasive Species Fund FAQ for additional information.

Last I heard they have decontaminated 3 boats including 1 last week that came from wyoming and was going to launch at Big Bear Lake. It was contaminated with Quagga mussel larvae.
i went up through there a couple weeks ago. All they do is a inspection on your boat and send you on your way. They don't have any thing to do with that sticker for the invasive species fund.
the sticker took about 2 weeks for me to receive, so i would buy it way before you plan on going.
You can buy it on line and print out the receipt. They aren't even checking at the lakes. Looks like another tax to me. Most invasive species are being moved by waterfowl. All the inspections in the world aren't going to stop them.
You can buy it on line and print out the receipt. They aren't even checking at the lakes. Looks like another tax to me. Most invasive species are being moved by waterfowl. All the inspections in the world aren't going to stop them.
Thats for sure. We can't stop the mussel invasion. Calif & now Idaho are getting monies in some form. It won't be long before the rest of states want a piece of that pie. Once they get money, it'll be used for something else and not for what it was intended for, additional road paving maybe.
Once they get money, it'll be used for something else and not for what it was intended for, additional road paving maybe.

...Says the guy who just drove into a state in which he does not reside to donate an arithmatic tax. laugh hyst Its all good Bduck, our legislators need new office furniture.

Seriously though, it is just an additional tax. I'm just hoping it doesnt get misappropriated like so many other funds.
I'm one of the lucky ones to be able to defect from Calif. I use to put alot of money into the lottery just so the welfare and non citizens can win it. Calif is a broke state and they have been prospering from the lottery system for years. Its no longer the schools systems that means anything. Idaho arithmaTAX, that sounds good. Utah doesn't want to play into any lotteries until one of their residence wins out of state. MMM, I'm just like the rest of the dreamers hoping to make few bucks. I guess I will continue to cross the line to keep on playing brother. Your lottery is a multi state lottery. Misappropriated funds? Tell me it ain't so. Who's the big winner?
I'm thinking most states general funds have mortgaged the lottery money to the max. It may be a worse pipe dream for the states than it is for the players.

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