This is the original, it got deep sixed in Merwin News years Day this year but so far its sacrifice to the fishing gods has payed off, the two replicas we made seem to work just as well.
Not sure exactly what it is about this one, we discovered its value on Yale last year, we tried about 10 of the 20 or so that he and his sister made and this one produced big! It has worked well in north Idaho on Priest lake, Really well on Yale and Merwin. Not that Sunday was the best representation of every thing we tried, (tried a lot of new things we picked up at the show this year) and no fish, we rigged it up similar to the picture behind a sling blade and with in 10 minutes we had a strike and 5 seconds later FISH ON! We put one on another rod and it was the next one to go down, and the 3rd fish was on a wiggle hoochie. So far when nothing else seems to be working this one produces.
The best part.........Shawn made it!! Nothing better than seeing the smug satisfied look on his face
when he sees a fish in the net and his lure hooked up.