fitting scotty to cannon

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2011
newberg, oregon
started on my booms today and cut the 1-1/2'' ss bar to 6''

then drilled 1/2'' then 1-3/16 to get ready to finish bore


here they are .002 under ready to heat and shrink on the boom

once installed

I took them over to the lathe set the tail stock over a little to make a slight tapper to match the cannon bore and turned them down

and polished with the blue scotch-brite and get ready for the final polish

my next post will be the drilling of the booms and fitting. dfly
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finished the first one tonight the mast pushed in like a glove. it has the marinco plug, custom tool less side cover, a ball hanger, line guide, heavy duty modified SS scotty mast and 2 axis swivel and SS spool this in my opinion this is what cannon should be marketing. at least the quality part. here are some pictures on my bench. oh I still might try to salvage the cannon booms by turning the ends and making umhw end guides much like the scottys and make a sleeve for where it goes into the head to tighten that up and see how that works . but would probabley have more money and time in that than just buying the scotty masts. dfly




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Dragonfly, That is one fine looking "Scoton" or would you call it a "Catty" downrigger you have there. The best of both worlds. The changes you have made are spot on, and I would love to see Cannon make these changes. I have a couple of Cannon Mag 5's, and my only complant is the cheap wheel system at the end of their boom. I had the cable slip off the plastic pully and cut through before I noticed it. I was in Canada fishing for salmon, so I had to use a metal pully until I could get home to order a replacement. Would love to have the setup you have now. Very nice job.
OK I got both of them together


and mounted them on the boat to work on the electrical and see how long the coards needed to be for the marinco plugs



here they are setup with the scotty ball retrievers. chamberlains and a scotty swivel snubbers with stick weights

Its amazing how dirty the boat gets just sitting. any way I will be making the plug mounts out of aluminum and working on my ss batt tray for 2 group 27's on the starboard side to more than handle the 4 downriggers and will show more on that latter. dfly
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All I can say is DANG! Skillz for sure.
Makes my little Lund 14 footer with manual riggers look like.....well....a 14 footer with manual riggers :)

VERY nice set up DF...very nice indeed.

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