glass beads or plastic beads?

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2012
Meridian, ID
i have a few fishing buddies who each have their own preferences on glass beads and plastic beads for kokanee spinners, i keep telling them that each style of lure has its pros and cons, and other than a few opinions i've noticed here on KFF i haven't heard much about the reasoning behind each lure style

if you were to take a few hundred dollars and purchase spinners for kokanee fishing would you purchase glass-beaded lures or plastic beaded lures, or both? and why?
Did you read the glass bead vs. plastic conversation at the tail end of the "price of lures" thread?
Did you read the glass bead vs. plastic conversation at the tail end of the "price of lures" thread?

no, and why would i read what you and i were talking about in that silly old thread? 101ok101

i actually do remember reading and even writing in that thread though, was hoping to get some additional opinions beyond the obvious ones already discussed and from people whom i haven't heard from before about the subject, maybe the topic has been exhausted though...
I've never bothered with glass beads... too much weight imho. For making spinners i mainly use plastic. On hoochies i've gone away from plastic because of melting issues over time due to the chemical reaction between the plastic and rubber skirt material (mainly happens with clear colored translucent beads.) I'm mainly tieing up hoochies and apex's now with just a rubber bobber stop (allows for hook set-back adjustment) and soft glow beads. Also, to lighten things up and get them to dance more i've gone to useing smaller beads... only size 3 and 4 now.
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At one time My spinners for kokanee were glass beads they were reds/greens/ blue/ I would add two small glass beads below my spinner they have added weight but the fish like them. I also have gone to some of the glow beads and the fish like them to so I guess its just personnel taste and good glass small beads are very hard to find.
I like both glass and plastic. I've found some craft store glass beads that had really cool colors .I don't know how long(how many fish they survive) spinners last for y'all , but some glass beads I've used chew the leader pretty bad.. I 'm not sure it's that big a problem, because fish seem to kill the leaders faster than they wear out.

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