Green Peter - Labor Day weekend 70 fish

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Apr 12, 2009
We fished Green Peter Labor Day weekend and ended up with 70 for the 3 days. Our barbecue grill is getting a work out this week. We fished initially east of the island a mile and found lots of smaller fish. Later we ended up just south of the island and got into some nice fish, up to 14" size. We fished Sling Blades with either pink hoochies or watermelon apexes. Either seemed to work equally well. We had a watermelon pattern Sling Blade that worked especially well and we will definitely have more of those for next season. This was our last trip for the season. Though the year got off to a slow start it sure was a good at the end!
Sounds like a great trip and thanks for the report.... I've heard from a few close freinds that Green Peter fishing has been pretty good, but the fish are starting to turn... How was the condition of the fish you got, I'm sure the smaller ones were in great shape because they are next years fish, but what did the 14+ inch fish look like?

Thanks kokaneekid
Green Peter

The bigger fish were still in pretty good shape for the most part. The biggest males were getting a bit grey, but all the fish grilled up just fine. Hope you can get up to Green Peter and catch some of these fine fish!

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