Have noticed that several posts confuse coho and kokanee. You can sometimes tell in that the upper lobe of the coho's tail will usually have a few spots, whereas the kokanee's tail is always free of spots. But, the easiest way to tell the difference is by checking out the teeth....or absence of.
The kokanee is for all practical purposes tooth free. Oh, they are there, but just run your finger in the mouth, and you will notice that they are harmless to your finger; just little "nubs". However, the coho's teeth will be most evident. It's that easy!! Mike
The kokanee is for all practical purposes tooth free. Oh, they are there, but just run your finger in the mouth, and you will notice that they are harmless to your finger; just little "nubs". However, the coho's teeth will be most evident. It's that easy!! Mike