Since Ice Up Will Be Here Shortly... Does Anyone Mind Sharing Some Ice Fishing Tactics For Kokes On The Gorge? Would Appreciate Any Help Getting Started Ice Fishing For Them. Thanks
I would guess it would be similar to summer. Drill, drill, drill until you find them then jig 'em up. Buzzbombs and such. Dont know though never ice fished them.
shallow 12 ft is were i did the best last yr useing a pink uv scurt on a 1/16 oz head i would double that up with the two tone pink glow radical glow tube 1iner and tip them with meallys try tyeing them about 10'' apart and just dead stick it thay tap it fast so you better be holdin your rod ready to swing thay are easy to find above buckboard if you can spend some time looking for them in shallow know the spot.