Is Calif allowing boats in from out of state?

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Can anyone tell me if Calif is allowing boats on there waters? I've been wanting to put in for the Shasta Derby with KP. I read that Lake Pardee is not allowing out of state boats in due to the Quagga/Zebra mussell situation. If Calif does allow boats in, is there an inspection of your boat to check for contamination? Here in Utah we fill out a questionaire to see where our boats have been and if the boats have been in contaminated waters then we go through a decontamination process. This is a very serious matter to which we all need to pay attention to. I'm doing my part to keep my boat as clean as possible and I know we all want our fisheries to stay as pristine as possible. DNR here in Utah have found these mussells in 2 waters. One is up near Flaming Gorge outside of Vernal. I have fished alot of waters in Calif for I am from the Sacramento. I come back 3 & 4 times a year and I'm chomping at the bit to bring my boat.
Bduck i would call the local marinas and ask them. i read about someone that came down from oregon with their boat and it got quarantined for 30 days. I have not heard if shasta has inspection
Here's some links

I can't directly answer your questions. I will say that last year Ebay (Pardee) would not let a boat that had been out of state launch for at least 30 days. Calling the marina's is a great suggestion.

There are some related links at the bottom of this document that might also help you find your answer.
East Bay - Pardee

As for Lake Shasta, it does not appear to have an inspection.

DFG Quagga Mussels in California
You should not have a problem as Shasta is not doing inspections currently but that could change. It's only the EBMUD lakes that have an "official" program. You would not be able to go to those EBMUD lakes - or that was the ruling last year and unfortunately KP members in NV trying to go to Pardee could not. Here's the latest on the EBMUD inspections for others benefit (Del Valle, Pardee, Camanche)

At the border NV / CA they will likely ask you a number of questions on where you are coming from / what lakes etc. Of course make sure your boat is dry as they will likely want to do an inspection. I'll see if there is anything else you need to know through the KP Board member John Minnis who lives in Truckee - near the border station.

It would be great to see you at the Shasta Derby as I really love that Spring derby.

Thanks for the input. I'll do what I can to find out any information on this matter and keep it posted for any future uses. If this can possibly happen there than we need to look at the other states as well. I sure would hate to see people going from state to state having to have papers to get in.
Just wondering if this should be made a "sticky" on the California Boards as well.
Like BD says, a lot of folks might be thankful for the knowledge
Boats coming into the state of CA will be inspected at the CA border. Beyond that, some private lakes such as Pardee and Camanche have their own set of rules. So it isn't an across the board thing. When you enter the state, be absolutely sure to have the drain plug out and a dry bilge area.
just make sure you have a dry boat inside and out and check your trailer as well I know at berryessa they have inspections but mainly on the week ends. if you are from another state may be a problem at some of the lakes shasta may not be subject to inspections but the locals well have more info for you again this is getting to be a big headacke for the fish and game
Just use good old common sence
here are many harmful plants, fish, amphibians, crustaceans,
mollusks, diseases, and parasites, some so small they can travel
with you without you even being aware. However, there are
simple, precautionary steps you can take every time you leave
any body of water to lessen the chance you’ll be moving any
of them:
➡ Remove all visible mud, plants, fish, or other animals from
➡ Eliminate water from all equipment before you depart.
➡ Clean and dry anything that came in contact with the
➡ Do not release plants, fish, or other animals into a body of
water unless they came out of that water bodtongue2tongue2:mad::mad:
Just an F.Y.I., Lake Tahoe won't let you launch until your boat's inspected. Cost is somewhere around $30 I've heard.

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