Is there a doctor in the house?

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Oregon Forum MODERATOR
Mar 5, 2009
Silverton, Oregon
On another board there is a thread going about all the strange baits people have used to catch trout, everything from cigarette butts to orange peels. What a bunch of wierdos..........

Then this morning I am tossing a handful of raisens into my oatmeal and I pick up a raisen I dropped on the counter. I looked at the raisen and started thinking about placement on a hook.:eek:

I think I need therapy........:(
I have a small pond in my backyard and over time, I've been able to test hot dogs on my catfish. Oscar Meyer cheese dogs are hands down the winner.
Perhaps a symptom of a day when having to throw everything at them but the kitchen sink. :) I'd recommend saving the raisins for the cookies so you'll have a nice desert after the meal of kokes you catch on more conventional methods.

And see a doctor soon, this thing sounds like it is spreading and very contagious. :)
The first fish I caught was at Prineville reservoir with my grandparents. We were trolling with a piece of night-crawler, mini-marshmallow and a raisin! So I don't think you therapy yet. ;)

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