
Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Jun 4, 2008
Please welcome Flyguy55 as the moderator of the New Mexico forum. This forum is getting a second chance and i think it will take off this time.thumbsup
Thanks for the welcome.
I don't see a lot of boats fishing Kokanee at Navajo. I think its a under utilized resource. thats probably why the 12 fish limit , 24 in posession .
Most weekdays in past years there might be 4 or 5 boats out.
I can't get up there till June 15th . After that I'll report how things are going .
FG55, my knowledge of the lake is minimal. I know it is a pretty large lake and spans Colorado and New Mexico border. What little intel I've received indicated that the kokes are just on one end of the lake. Is that true?
Thats the general consensus , but I'm not sure .
There are 3 arms of the lake. The longest is the San Juan . Its 35-36 mi long and a few miles is in CO. The water is shallow in the CO part of the lake .There used to be a Fireworks display on July 4th holiday out over the lake in CO. We cruised up there several years ago with our grand kids for the show . We camped in the boat after the fireworks. The next morning we headed back . When the water got over 100 ft deep I started trolling . We caught fish on and off all the way back . At least the last 20 miles. That's the only time I fished for Kokanee that far from the main body of the lake.
I have fished up the Pine river arm and caught Kokanee maybe 6 - 8 miles up that arm . I've been told there is a fish trap for spawning Kokanee in the Pine River and also some natural reproduction. The water is often muddy in the Pine arm .
The Frances canyon arm isn't very long and gets narrow after about 3 miles but its one of my favorite places when the lake level is not low.
I am headed to Navajo this weekend. The limit is really 12? Is there any size to the Kokes? Where would you recommend I try first, considering this is the first part of June? I have never fished Navajo before - my son & daughter-in-law just moved to Farmington & we are headed down to see their new place.

I know there is bass, crappie & pike in the lake - what else would be fun to fish for (with & without grandkids)?
When my grandkids were young , we fished for bluegill . they are plentful most any little cove thats not over 25-30 feet. Theres also rainbow and brown trout , catfish , and huge carp.
I have caught some trout while trolling for kokanee that I couldnt tell if they were small Macs or brook trout . Not much color , just kind of blue grey with spots.
I've never heard of anyone catching or fishing for Macs. I've caught large Macs in Canada and brookes lots of places .
Are you bring a boat ? Down riggers ?
I haven't fished for Kokanee yet this year. There probably between 10 ft early in the motning before much boat and jet ski traffic , down to 35 ft through out the day this time of year.

I always make a pass east of the Island out a 100 ft ot so, the east shore between the San Juan arm down to the Frances arm . Along long the South shore of Frances arm It gets shallow at the first bay to the south. then across to the north shore , but I wouldnt recommend it with out a depth finder .
Its often good around the entrance of the San Juan arm . also along the eastern shore of the Pine River arm from the point up a few miles ,sometimes pretty close to shore , like 50 ft , It drops off fast.

I hope you do well , Do use white shopeg corn :) Give me a report.
If you like Crawfish , the lake is loaded with them , I use Koke heads and entrails in my traps .
I do have down riggers & now looking forward to the trip. My son told me there were only bass in the lake. I will give you a report when we get back. Thanks.

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