One Smart Coyote

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Oregon Forum MODERATOR
Mar 5, 2009
Silverton, Oregon
About 3pm this afternoon I was on my way north on Hwy 97, a two lane road, returning from Klamath Falls. We were in an area where the road is perfectly straight for miles and miles. I was the last in a string of 5 rigs all going just over 60. (I know, it's a 55 zone but you go that slow and you get ran over)

Anyway, I look up ahead and standing on the southboud shoulder, with its front paws on the pavement was a very large coyote. His head was turned towards me, but as I got closer I realized he was not looking at my car, but behind it. I looked in the mirror and the closest car behind me was about a mile away. The coyote continued to look behind me as I passed him.

After passing him I looked in the mirror to see what he was going to do. He looked to his left (to the north) and then to his right, then casually trotted across the road.

That's right, he stopped, waited for traffic to clear, looked both ways and then proceeded to cross the road. I busted out laughing at what I had just seen. Obviously this was not his first time crossing this busy highway. One smart dog.
Maybe his parents made him watch Roadrunner episodes and told him Wiley Coyote could be him if he wasn't caeful. David, I think it is, "Early bird".
They are one of the hardest predators to hunt. They are extremely smart. Thats the kind of yote that you must pull all the stops out to get. I had a pack at a buddies house that would send out the smallest female and coax his dog into the tree line and the big males would be there waiting to kick some ass. One chicken coop later and it was us waiting in a blind to kick some ass.

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