Outboard on its last legs...need replacement?

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2018
McCall Idaho
Last fall my neighbor sold me his 1987 aluminum boat along with a Merc 35hp 2stroke motor. The motor has been in the shop twice for minor repairs and the last time it just died in the middle of the lake. Since my wife is just getting interested in fishing, another long paddling session might turn her off. So I am considering just replacing the motor with a 25-35 hp 4 stroke. The boat has a side helm and obviously Merc controls. I do have a serviceable trolling plate, but it would be nice to just be able to throttle down to trolling speed (maybe not possible). Any advice on what to look at is appreciated.
Any chance of adding an electric? Motor redundancy saves rowing and trolling in silence is bliss.
Now there is a thought. The boat has a bow mounted electric motor, I will need to see if it works. There is a deep cycle battery in the boat, I thought it was used just for starting the boat and the crappy depth finder. Do the bow mounted electric motors typically provide enough power to troll?
Get some information on the size (lbs of thrust) of that bow mount and reply. Below 55 lbs is usually as 12V system and above 55 lbs, a 24V system. At sustained trolling speed of 1.5 - 2 mph you can easily get a full day of fishing in. Really windy days are obviously shorter.

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