Personally.I think that the WGF is a little late in responding to this problem. but better to start now,then waiting til we have a full blown invasion of ais. Some very good points have been brought to the surface. As b-duck mentioned .this program for the most part will be based on the "honor system" for inspections. The ethical fishermen will follow the rules ,and buy the sticker. But the program as it is now.leaves a lot of unmanned boat ramps. This is why the sticker program makes sense to me.When someone purchases the sticker ,now they will have at least know that there is a ais program in play at the gorge. Does Utah have a ais program for the water in Utah on the gorge?
After reading the press release from the WFG web site,I didn't see anything about what type of fine would be issued for non-compliance. Also if a person puts in at a Utah ramp on the gorge,would they still have to purchase a sticker,as long as they stay in Utah waters?
The way I read it,the WFG only has jurisdiction in Wyoming waters ,to check for anyone not having the stickers? If that was to be true ,the only Wyo ramps I see affected would be Buckboard, firehole,and maybe Anvil Draw. Squaw Hollow might have inspections if they were to be enough volunteers to help.
Will this cause a decline in the amount of people using the gorge,when does "enough become to much". In the short term I don't think we will see any decrease of use ,due to a ais program. The people that are spending big bucks to come to the gorge,won't let a 30.00 dollars sticker stop them. In the long term ,who knows, after all it is a govt program,so time will tell.
The press release also said that there would be public meetings about this ,to help educate the public. I encourage all you to attend a meeting if possible.