I also use the smaller dodgers early season, when fishing closer to the surface. As the season progresses and the kokes move deeper I switch to bigger dodgers. This has led to a lot of success for me. I started doing this when I read that the deeper you go the bigger your dodger needs to be... in order to combat the increase in pressure. Down deep it takes a bigger dodger to get the same vibrations as you'd get near the surface with a small dodger. When I read this, it really seemed to make sense. My results have confirmed this theory in my mind.
As far as colors go, my favorite RMT dodgers are: Hyper Plaid Pink, Nickel Crushed Glow, Bahama, Blue Fire Ice, 50/50 Pink Chart, and the UV Splatter Series. I've also heard great things about the Watermelon Dodgers, and the New Kamikaze Frog patterns. Can't wait to try them out!