Self Inflatable PFD's

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Jun 5, 2008
Just a thought for anyone who has one of these. I needed a recharge kit for the Mustang PFD I have and when I went to the local sporting stores I found that they cost around $ 70.00. I did a little searching and found a company in New York called Keenzo that has them. They are original equipment (OEM) and the cost was $ 20.97 plus $ 7.00 shipping. Quite a difference in $$.
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I really like mine,it's comfortable to wear,easy to put on,and easy to stow when it's not being used. I have the Cabala's guardian PFD,it is everything that I need in a auto inflating PFD. T he cost of the rearming kit from mustang was one of the reason's that I went with the one that I did. Good to know that the mustang rearming kits can be bought cheaper then the 70.00 that mustang wanted.

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