Soft Glow Bead Between Hooks??

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
I've noticed some professional and homemade kokanee lures the last couple years useing a soft oval glow bead between the double hooks. Since I'm in the middle of upgrading rigs right now with new line and tandem hooks I thought I might try tieing a few up like that but I'm a bit hesitant.
What I'm worried about is the added bead hindering the trailing hook's job of digging in when the fish is just seems to me that bead would hold the hook away from the fish.
Has anyone noticed any differerence between a rig with the bead and a rig without as far as the trailing hook digging in?
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I've not seen any problem with the ability to hook up using the soft oval beads and I use them on all of my lures. What it does add is the appearance of bait or an attractor at least, in the area of the hooks. I have them in every color that I have lures in. The choice I face is, should the bead match one of the colors in the lure or match the bait I'm using on the hooks. 101chromefish101
I just recently started putting them on my double hook rigs. While I haven't tested the out yet, I believe that their glow property will provide some attraction, and perhaps being rubber [or whatever] might even provide a bit of floatation.

MMM, where do you get yours from....all I've found thus far are glow white and glow green.
I just recently started putting them on my double hook rigs. While I haven't tested them out yet, I believe that their glow property will provide some attraction, and perhaps being rubber [or whatever] might even provide a bit of floatation.

MMM, where do you get yours from....all I've found thus far are glow white and glow green. I'd like to get some other colors if available.

I've also been putting glow hooks on as the trailer lately, thinking possibly some additional attraction for the fish.
I dye all of mine and they start out as super glow nuetral. They came out of China. I purchased them through a second party that made a huge bulk buy.
I have been adding a few beads between hooks for a few years, and on some I think its a good thing, As for the glow beads this will be the first year for me; I have been adding a few twists to the egg loop and putting the glow beads on the egg loop so I can keep the tight hooks that I like to run....TL
I've noticed most of the commercial rigs are using a glow in the dark paste that hardens between the double hook set up but I can't see were a small very small glow in the dark clear bead would hurt.

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