Strawberry 8-1

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Jun 4, 2008
Well on short notice edsbullies and i planned a trip to the berry met up with him in heber after i had a good nap in the parking lotlaugh hyst got up to soldier creek and got the boat set up and hit the water, went to put the first pole on the rigger and remembered that i hadn't put a stacker bead on so i brought the ball back up and when it came up it broke off, well son of a b---h had to imper vise i broke out the dipsy divers that are always in my kokanee lure bag and got 2 rods down ed just happened to have a lead line setup in the boat so we put that out we figured hey anyone can catch kokes with downriggers we needed a challenge so ed, big Kenny and i gave it our all and we where able to pick up a few only caught 1 cutt all day but we couldn't keep the planter rainbows off. all in all was a pretty good day. wind blew from 11am till 6pm, best lures where pink haze, pink splatter, orange haze squids behind hyper-plaid dodgers
Are the kokes starting to turn at the Berry?

I read on another forum that the majority of yesterday's catch at the Gorge were brown and hook-jawed, and not the best table fare.

I admit I love eating kokes, and that could influence where we head next Thur and Fri - Gorge or Berry.
none of the fish we caught had started to change, i think they are still god eating as long as there not blaze of glory red.
lost the ball. crap. laugh hyst that had to just put 1 heck of a look on your face. laugh hystlaugh hystlaugh hyst at least you made it work. i thought about that happening. put a box of hvy trash bags in the boat. i can make that work. fill a few socks with sand reom the bank. that 1 my daughter just threw out as i was writing. could be a good thred. ken

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